Sports Medicine

Sports medicine is a specialty dedicated to the prevention and treatment of injuries and illnesses related to physical activity. Sports medicine physicians specialize in providing comprehensive care for athletes, teams, and individuals looking to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. Sports medicine is not just for athletes but for everyone of all ages and activity levels. The field involves non-operative care of injuries to muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, and joints including rehabilitation and injections.

Eagle’s sports medicine physician Dr. Caroline Allen is a board-certified family physician with additional advanced fellowship training in sports medicine. Her family medicine background allows her to address the patient as a whole and treat not only musculoskeletal conditions but also other illnesses related to sports and physical activity such as concussions and asthma. Her training includes the use of ultrasound for both the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of injuries. Dr. Allen believes in the importance of developing individualized treatment plans for his patients. Our goal is to get people moving again and reach their personal goals for physical activity so they can enjoy their best active life.

Eagle Sports Medicine and is located at 5921 West Friendly Ave., Suite D., Greensboro, NC 27410. Hours: Monday - Thursday 8 am to 5 pm and every other Friday. Call 336-551-5830 for more information. Our sports medicine patients come to us from the Guilford County, North Carolina communities of Greensboro, Oak Ridge, Summerfield, Piedmont Triad and surrounding locations.


Our Medical Staff

Eagle Sports Medicine
Caroline Allen, MD
Accepting New Patients

Specialty: Sports Medicine, Family Medicine
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Where to Find Us

Eagle @ West Friendly

5921 West Friendly Ave., Suite D
Greensboro, NC 27410

Call Us Call: 336-551-5830
Fax: 336-268-3160
Our Hours Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm

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Eagle Sports Medicine

5921 West Friendly Ave., Suite D
Greensboro, NC 27410

Call Us Call: 336-551-5830
Fax: 336-907-7971
Our Hours Monday - Thursday 8am - 5pm

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