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Olivia Clelland, PA-C Not Accepting New Patients

Olivia Clelland, PA-C
Eagle Internal Medicine @ Tannenbaum

(Including Eagle Endocrinology)
301 E. Wendover Avenue, Suite 200
Greensboro, NC 27401
Call Us 336-274-3241
Our Hours Monday-Friday 7:45am-5pm

“As a native of Greensboro, it is my distinct honor to provide the best possible medical care to the residents of our fantastic city. I value the relationships that form between me and my patients, and have grown to appreciate the trust that my patients place in me. This is a great responsibility for which I am grateful!”

In Practice Since: 2021

Primary Specialty: Internal Medicine

MS: Physician Assistant Studies, High Point University

BS: Kinesiology, University of NC at Greensboro

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