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Kimberlee D. Shaw, MD Not Accepting New Patients

Kimberlee D. Shaw, MD
Eagle Family Medicine @ Village

301 E. Wendover Avenue, Suite 215
Greensboro, NC 27401
Call Us 336-379-1156
Our Hours Monday-Friday 8:30am-5pm

“I like building lifelong relationships with people so they can trust me to translate information, guide them through the complexities of the medical system, and help them with the transitions that come with aging. In a system that has grown ever-more specialized, patients need someone who can coordinate their care without losing sight of their well-being.”

In Practice Since: 2010

Primary Specialty: Family Medicine

Board-Certified: American Board of Family Practice

Residency: Family Medicine, Moses Cone Health System

MD: University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC

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