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Stephen Meyers, MD Accepting New Patients Accepting New Patients

Stephen Meyers, MD
Eagle Family Medicine @ Oak Ridge

1510 N. NC Hwy. 68
Oak Ridge, NC 27310
Call Us 336-644-0111
Our Hours Monday-Friday 8am-5pm

“I enjoy the broad range of primary care rather than focusing on one aspect of medicine. I treat patients as partners in their care. My primary role is providing information to help people make educated decisions about their care. Rather than telling someone what to do, I am more likely to present options, discuss the pros and cons of each and allow the individual patient to decide what is best for their situation.”

In Practice Since: 1999

Primary Specialty: Family Medicine

Board-Certified: American Board of Family Practice

Residency: Family Medicine, Cone Health System

MD: University of Louisville, KY

Member: American Academy of Family Practice, American Medical Association

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