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Rupashree Varadarajan, MD Accepting New Patients Accepting New Patients

Rupashree Varadarajan, MD
Eagle Internal Medicine @ Tannenbaum

(Including Eagle Endocrinology)
301 E. Wendover Avenue, Suite 200
Greensboro, NC 27401
Call Us 336-274-3241
Our Hours Monday-Friday 7:45am-5pm

“As an Internal Medicine provider, my service philosophy is to treat the patient as a whole, be it psychosocial causes, or physical problems. I believe in an evidence based and holistic approach and I like to be a partner to the patient's family in times of sickness and health. I enjoy being there as an adviser, friend and well-wisher to my patients and enjoy guiding them throughout this journey of life.”

In Practice Since: 2017

Primary Specialty: Internal Medicine

Board-Certified: American Board of Internal Medicine

Residency: Internal Medicine; Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Amarillo, TX

MD: Bangalore Medical College, Bangalore, India

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