Eagle Walk-In Care

What happens when you’re sick and unable to get off work during the day to see your regular doctor? Or you’re not feeling well, are suffering acute pain or have a GI problem like diarrhea or constipation some evening or weekend? Or you don’t have a doctor and you need immediate patient care? No problem at Eagle!

Eagle Walk-In Care : Just What the Doctor Ordered

Eagle Walk-In Care is here for you:
Monday-Friday: 7:00 am - 7:00 pm: Walk-In
Saturday/Sunday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm: Walk-In
Monday - Friday 7:00 am - 5:00 pm: Scheduled Remote Telemedicine for covid positive patients only (call 336-852-1915 to schedule)
We are also open most holidays. You don’t need an appointment to receive the care you need.

We’re staffed by Eagle’s own family medicine physicians, each with full access to your electronic Eagle patient records to enhance the quality of your care. Eagle Walk-In Care physicians also communicate thoroughly with your regular physician so he or she can take over where the Eagle Walk-In Care leaves off to deliver seamless continuity of care for you and your family.

And you don’t have to be an Eagle patient to take advantage of Eagle's Walk-In Care. It’s open to everyone needing immediate medical care for non-life-threatening conditions. In other words, Eagle’s Walk-In Care is here for you when your doctor and other medical offices are closed.

The Eagle Walk-In Care now has a “virtual waiting line”. This allows patients to electronically get a place in line and wait in the comfort of their homes. This is not a scheduled appointment, but similar to restaurants, patients can queue-up virtually. To do this, click on the netcheckin link below and enter your information - it will show you an estimated wait time. Shortly before your estimated arrival time, you can leave home or work and arrive at the Eagle Walk-In Care. Once you arrive, you may still have an additional wait, as this is not an appointment, but this service does allow for you to wait in a more comfortable environment.  https://apps.netcheckin.com/static/eaglephysicians/index.html You can queue-up virtually one hour before the practice opens.

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